About Us
Our Mission
To eradicate uterine fibroids by amplifying and advocating for the unique voices of those affected,
from menarche through menopause.
Our ultimate vision is to discover a cure, liberating women from the burdens of this affliction.
In line with our core mission, we are dedicated to improving women’s healthcare worldwide,
with a firm commitment to eradicating menstrual stigma that affects, restricts and endangers women everywhere.
Our approach is rooted in research, education, advocacy, legislation, and innovative consulting.
Our Founder
Sateria is a patient advocate who was diagnosed with fibroids at the age of 26. After receiving the recommendation of a hysterectomy in her 20s, she was prompted to explore other options to manage her fibroid diagnosis. She began a quest for information, which led her to found The Fibroid Foundation.
Preserving her fertility has always been her primary concern. Unfortunately, she soon discovered that there were limited resources and information available to women, who, like her, had severely symptomatic fibroids. Sateria researched and interviewed physicians to find trusted, patient-focused medical professionals, many of whom are now members of The Fibroid Foundation’s Medical Advisory Board.
Holistic professionals provided a vast storehouse of information. Sateria was successfully treated by a naprapath who provided life-sustaining support for anemia. Frustrated by the return of fibroids after four surgeries, she was determined to find answers. Sateria learned to listen to her body, and to allow it to guide her. This awareness led to major nutrition and lifestyle changes.
Along the way, Sateria patented a design for an undergarment for women with heavy flow issues and those in need of incontinence protection.
The Fibroid Foundation has developed a substantial network within the medical community. Sateria is a sought after speaker. She has been featured online, in podcasts, and is published in medical journals. Sateria holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Carnegie Mellon University.

Our Team
Meet The Fibroid Foundation Team
The Fibroid Foundation Team is comprised of individuals whose passion for health, education, and patient advocacy remains at the forefront of their willingness to champion the fight against fibroids.

Corporate Partners
Our Corporate Partners
Our corporate partners are comprised of groups who are working with us to change the fibroid story by assisting The Fibroid Foundation in their advocacy and awareness efforts.
Board Members
Our Board of Directors
- Pamela Barnes
- Tiara Batle
- Craig Mclendon
- Jermaine Reid